Har varit och ätit på restaurang med de bästa: Ellen och Addi! <3 Firade Ellen som fyllde 16, äntligen byxmyndig! ;))

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I was unsuccessful at a job interview, and she didn't want to be with someone who "has no future". She's unemployed too. FML
Today, I went to my parents' place to visit. My ex-boyfriend's photo is on the fridge, but there aren't any photos of my husband or any of our wedding photos. FML
Today, I donated blood at the school blood drive. The waiting was longer than expected so I had to miss two classes instead of just missing one. The school thought I was skipping class so they decided to call my mom.I'm now grounded for two weeks for trying to save a life. FML
PS. Jag lovade att sluta svära.. :S